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1st Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist

Celebration of 1st Reconciliation

Saturday, February 24, at 9:00 a.m.

(see handout for info)

Thanks to both parents and children for a great meeting about Reconciliation!
Preparation Continues At School

We have considered the Parable of the True Vine (John 15:1-11) and Jesus' invitation to remain in Him.  We have noticed that a vine is entirely made up of branches - how close we are to Jesus, how necessary for the life of the vine!  We have considered the sap of the True Vine, bringing the life of Jesus to each branch - this is the Holy Spirit! (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1108)  Sometimes our branch seems so full of the Holy Spirit and we bear much fruit, but sometimes our choices block the Holy Spirit. We know that the sacrament of Reconciliation removes those blockages absolutely.

We have looked at 3 parables of mercy - The Found Sheep, The Found Coin, and the Forgiving Father (Luke 15:4-6, 8-9, 11-24).  We noticed how long the Good Shepherd and the woman search; how important is that small word "until" - it contains all the good news! We will be found, we will be swept clean!  We noticed how the Father runs and does not get angry - he loves abundantly - all is forgiven.  In these triplet parables, there is much rejoicing. We look forward to celebrating our own Reconciliation.

We are looking at the Rite of Confirmation - what God does, what we do. We see 4 steps: 

  • before the sacrament: Listening to the Word of God (aka Examination of Conscience) - God speaks to us

  • The sacrament:

    • Confession ​ - we speak to God - we tell God of the blockages in our branch, and we say we are sorry - the priest is God's ears for us

    • Absolution - God acts - the Holy Spirit comes and our sins are absolutely taken away - the priest is God's hands and voice for us

    • Penance  - we act - we show our gratitude for this gift of forgiveness and the Holy Spirit - the priest will tell us what to pray or do

Preparation At Home

Some simple things to do to prepare your child for the sacrament of Reconciliation:

  1. Prayer journals   - give your child time to respond to what they've heard at school. The prayer starter should act as a prompt. They may write or draw a response...or maybe they would just like to talk to you about what they think.

  2. Attend Mass  - the community gathers to be reconciled to God and to each other

  3. Practice forgiveness within your family

  4. Pray together giving thanks and asking for God's forgiveness (you can use the Act of Contrition - see below)

  5. Celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation yourself! Reconciliation times at OLOL

Preparation At the Church - Retreat Day

Holy Rosary students*:                            Thursday, Feb. 22, 8:45 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Our Lady of Lourdes students*:              Friday, Feb. 23, 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.


*plus any of the students from other schools who can join us

The retreat is a time for the children to work independently with the materials they have seen all year, to consider the maxims of Jesus, and to pray privately at prayer tables.  We will model what a confession looks/sounds like. The children will be led through an examination of conscience, before having private time to consider what they will say to God at the celebration of Reconciliation.  It is a day of joy and quiet reflection!


Please contact Paula

Help your child practice the Act of Contrition

Students in Grade 2 usually prepare for two sacraments:

Reconciliation (a.k.a. Confession) and Eucharist (a.k.a. Communion).

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